Had a great trip to Stump Lake and my client was able to shoot many species of birds including, Common Loons, Red-necked Grebes, Common Nighthawks, Black Terns, Spotted Sandpipers, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Red-winged Blackbirds, Pied-billed Grebes, Coots and the Eared Grebe pictured above. We saw a few dozen of these birds in their breeding plumage which is always a treat. We started the morning finding and photographing Big Horn sheep. They climbed higher and bedded down early so we carried on for birds. Because we do small groups or individuals on our tours as opposed to the less flexible workshop setup we can tailor each trip for the clients wishes or just adapt based on conditions and weather.
www.crazyaboutloons.com Guided Photo Tours
www.crazyaboutloons.com Guided Photo Tours
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